
Jiu-jitsu Team

6 Months of Jiu-Jitsu – Competition with the Team

Overdue post but I needed some closure. It’s been almost two months since my last competition writing this article which sort of sprung up by surprise because I knew that I was going to move back home and leave the Academy so I signed up for a competition in Dec. 4 to go with the […]

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battleground grappling championship

1st Jiu-Jitsu Fight in Competition

White Belt / Adult Male / Gi / 145-149 lbs. / Bracket Month 6 – Recalling my first competition where I traveled 3 hours to get to by myself to a city where I had a friend who came to watch but he couldn’t make it on time because he had work. I got to […]

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The ONLY One with Ear Guards

After a week of draining my ear, I focused on recovery to heal my cauliflower ear so I didn’t exercise. I sucked it up and wore my ear guards in class for the first time. Hint* any strenuous cardio activity after draining the ears will eventually cause the ear to be filled with blood again […]

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