Overdue post but I needed some closure. It’s been almost two months since my last competition writing this article which sort of sprung up by surprise because I knew that I was going to move back home and leave the Academy so I signed up for a competition in Dec. 4 to go with the team this time and Coach on my corner.
What was different this time around?
- Started to invest in some Jiu-jitsu podcasts and books
- Signed up for BOTH no Gi and Gi.
- Inspiring moments

No Gi Bracket (3 Fighters)
No Gi bout caught me off guard as the time for it switched to closer than on time. I didn’t have much time to stretch or warm up so I was high-strung but it might have been to my advantage.
No Gi Bout 1
My opponent looked very intimidating but skills always triumph as well as having Coach in my corner (he didn’t have a Coach – I know how that feels based on my 1st competition .
No Gi Bout 2 – Round 1 + Overtime
“Won by decision” in the second bout meaning we tied 2-2 but the ref said I won (Cool, new experience).
Gi Bracket (3 Fighters)
Should have made use of the downtime. Was stalling too much and I think also was in a cooldown phase after the unexpected adrenaline showdown from being caught off guard before a match in the first No Gi bout. Or maybe I was tired from those two bouts. Now I understand that there’s some strategy in pacing myself throughout the competition.
Gi Bout 1
Gi Bout 2
Inspiration Aftermath
My Coach shared a voice message from my first opponent in No Gi taking the time to show respect to me, Coach, and the Academy. Much thanks to coach and thankful for the opportunity to represent my Academy!
One of my close friends of 10+ years took out time in his busy schedule with a newborn and all to come watch me. He kept his word and came. He couldn’t stay for my Gi matches but still came for support! He told me how inspired he was while watching me and how it made him want to practice Jiu-jitsu.
It was awesome to watch and cheer on my teammates who I’ve been training for the past 6 months. Seeing them compete too was a great end and test. One of my teammate said it was fun watching me fight. A lot of sweat and hours was poured on the mats and seeing them compete for the first time as White Belts and comrades was a special moment…
Till’ next time,